Herodotus – Evidence of Nibiru Polar Shift?
So I’m reading The Histories by Herodotus, the ancient Greek historian. I came across an interesting bit that links up to the urban myths of Nibiru, global polar shifts, 2012 end of the world stuff that I have so much fun researching. Herodotus Book Two, chapter: 142 reads as thus: Up to this point I…
I fear government run health care.
Pandemic – Squalene
Hey the flu threat might not have been real, but the $15 Billion dollar bill for the vaccination program is.
Debris from Nibiru hits Jupiter
Nibiru has a lot of debris flying around it, as it hurtles through space. It just keeps picking up more and more stuff as it passes planets. July 21, 2009 a small chunk of Nibiru’s debris hit Jupiter leaving a hole the size of planet Earth. It is coming, and it is close. 2012 is…
Slaves of global currency.
Seeds are trademarked?
Trademark on seeds = control of earth
LIFE is a registered trademark.
Prophet – Bolt everything down.