Little Miss Dagon
In the misty coastal town of Innsmouth, Massachusetts, there lived a peculiar young girl named Alice Marsh. She was named after her great grandmother, a woman who was rumored to possess an otherworldly connection to the sea. Alice, with her bright eyes and unruly curls, had always felt a magnetic pull towards the vast Atlantic…
I Am The Groon
Nothing I can do about it. I am the Groon. Just when you feel you have suffered enough, here comes the Groon to challenge and trouble you even further. You know, being a creative person is weird. Over the past few decades I found myself writing little campfire songs, working them out in my journal,…
The Facebook Song
The Facebook Song from Super Fantastic Ultra on Vimeo.
Nondenominational Word
God is good. God is great. Don’t use God to support your hate. God is joy. God is love. When we pray, we all look above. God…Haven’t you heard? God… is a nondenominational word. We have many bodies. But only one life. God is powerful, God is wise.
Every Living Seed
Every Living Seed from J.E.Moores on Vimeo.
Forgive Our Fuckin’ Sins
Forgive Our Fuckin’ Sins from J.E.Moores on Vimeo.
YCG2H4T from J.E.Moores on Vimeo.