Gomper Alert
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Nibiru 2012
All sun systems in the galaxy are binary, and science expects us to believe that our system is not. There are some that believe in the system discovered by early Sumerian astronomers called Nibiru. Nibiru is a smoldering sun with planets and satellites revolving around it. Every 6000 years or so, it passes our sun…
Nibiru & Earth’s Polar Shift
Anunnaki & Nibiru Images in Art History
Nibiru Debris Over Midwest April 15, 2010
When our sun’s binary sister sun and the entire system we call Nibiru comes closer toward Earth, the debris that comes with it will arrive first. Some debris hit Jupiter summer of 2009, and now it’s here. Our solar system has already began to heat up, and get warmer. Global warming is caused by Nibiru.…
Print! Cut! Fold! Glue! Paper Toys
Honk the Dog meets the Kitty.
Herodotus – Evidence of Nibiru Polar Shift?
So I’m reading The Histories by Herodotus, the ancient Greek historian. I came across an interesting bit that links up to the urban myths of Nibiru, global polar shifts, 2012 end of the world stuff that I have so much fun researching. Herodotus Book Two, chapter: 142 reads as thus: Up to this point I…