Author: jemoores

  • TOJM – the dream

    I was young, and I had an odd dream. I was running through barricades, barbed wire, and war torn territories. Among a pile of rubble I found a small object. When I picked it up, I knew it was a TOJM, a good luck piece. In fact, I already knew that finding the TOJM guaranteed…

  • Migration of the Bat Winged Eye Poppin’ Pukin’ Gomper

    Hey it’s Jay. Blogger has decided to no longer serve FTP blogs so I have been posting my latest Paper Toys and stuff at: until I get evilBay migrated to another system. I have about 9 million entries here at evilBay, so it could take me a while to get it all snazzy. J.E.Moores…

  • I fear government run health care.

  • Sketch: Gomper Toy

    Sculpy Bake and Bend is one of my favorite craft supplies. The other types of polymer clay are brittle and break easy, but the Bake and Bend is like rubber. It can easily be bent, moved, played with, and at the end it’s still in one piece.

  • Gomper Toy

  • Feed Me, I’m Hungry

    You know I am hungry. I need to eat. Eating makes me happy. I need to be filled up. Please fill me up, I am hungry. Eating makes me happy. I need to eat. Please fill me up, I am hungry. I need to be filled up. You know I am hungry.

  • Gomper House

    Just when you thought it was safe to come home.

  • Pandemic – Squalene

    Hey the flu threat might not have been real, but the $15 Billion dollar bill for the vaccination program is.

  • Monster Hunter Breaks All The Rules

    Had a great time dusting off the Waacom tablet for my latest Halloween Flash Animation. Finally there’s some chainsaw action for all you horror fans. Goblins and ghouls don’t stand a chance against the Monster Hunter because Monster Hunter BREAKS ALL THE RULES!!! That’s right, and don’t forget: Before you go out into the cold…